Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Battling homophobia in India

The Delhi High court has said, show proof, not religious text to continue criminalisation of homosexuality.

First thoughts are that finally, someone is at least willing to go beyond the taboo.  It may not be a major achievement in itself, but it is a start. 

I'm confident that sodomy laws are something India inherited from the original British Constitution. Unfortunately a more updated set of human rights propogated by the UN have never been totally digested by India. From first hand experience I can vouch that there is wide spread homophobia in India. 

Its time to move on and be open minded. I'm puzzled by the societal conservatism of a group of people who could fathom such a thing as Kamasutra or the sculptures of Ajanta/Ellora in the days gone by. 

Influence is not a bad thing. The onus is open the peoples to take what's good and leave what's not so much. Nothing that has the potential to discriminate is good.